Saturday, October 23, 2010


Yep, we've got the sickies.  Yucky, yucky, yucky.  Of course baby boy had to come down with it.  Poor baby looked so miserable.  I guess it was the flu, but praise the Lord it was relatively short lived for him.  It still seemed like forever though when I was sitting up in bed all night with him last night.....  I on the other hand, still feel rotten.  So thankful for my hubby who stayed home from the first weekend of muzzle loader season.  He was planning to take big brother, but he came stumbling into the bedroom last night wheezing and acting like he could barely breathe.  I don't take chances with him (big brother, that is), since he has asthma and has had pneumonia before.  I really thought there for awhile we were going to have to pull out the nebulizer.  :P  I sure hope I get over this really soon!

Friday, October 8, 2010

How I encourage a creative and artistic spirit in my children...

Turn the TV off.  Seriously, I have noticed that when we cut down on the amount of time they spend in front of the TV, they are much, MUCH more imaginative and creative with their play.  My children seem to be blessed with great imaginations, and they are very elaborate when it comes to their play.  As an example, the other day they built a nest, and had every pillow in the house piled in the middle of the living room, along with the bean bags, and lots of blankets.  I caught big sister trying to sneak real eggs into the nest, LOL!  We compromised and used balls instead.  I could give you many more examples....and sometimes I don't always catch them before their brilliant ideas (ie: the eggs) turn into a big mess.  But at the end of the day, when all is quiet, I look around and am so thankful for their imaginations and creativity!

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Prayer request:

Please keep this young lady and her family in your prayers!  Such a sad story, but God is able to heal her completely I believe!  Read her blog for more details:

Saturday, October 2, 2010


If this site doesn't move you to tears, I don't know what will.  Really pulls at my heartstrings.  Gosh, i just want to love them all like they deserve!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Just in case you thought my life was perfect...

Wow.  Night #2 that I have cleaned up a major BM mess.  Ugh.  And, no, baby boy was not responsible for either this time.  You'd think by the time they were 6 and 4 they would have figured out that we don't poop outside (in a major traffic area), and to make it to the pot on time.  Sigh.

It's almost bedtime.  Not our normal bedtime, the "Mom is REALLY Frustrated, You Are Going to Bed Right Now!" bedtime.  But big sister has at least 3 messes to pick up, including her "house" she decided to make outside, and big brother is running around nekkid after his unplanned shower (see above).  And baby boy just puked in my lap.  And did I mention hubby is working late?  Yep, it's been a fun filled evening.